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7 Reasons Why Marketers Can't Get Enough of Branded Podcasts 

Marketers are ninjas of the digital space. Their main mission is to stay on top of trends, while seeking innovations to remain relevant. Social media is still the top-of-mind platform for most, but the latest data suggests that marketers, especially ad agencies, have growing interest in taking advantage of branded podcasts.

With the Podcasting Today report identifying a 40% increase in podcasting’s listener base since 2018, the medium is commanding more attention from brands as a method to reach consumers in ways where the engagement numbers exceed any other platform. Nielsen’s 2022 Annual Marketing Report found that 56% of marketers in North America plan to increase their podcast spending over the next year, and 15% of marketers plan to increase their podcast spending by 50% or more in the same timeframe.

Back in 2019, a study from the BBC Global News revealed that 48% of marketers who participated in Advertiser Perceptions survey declared how they would like to get into creating a branded podcast. While 42% shared the reason they turn to branded podcasts is mainly to bring their message to the world.

Branded podcasts are the hottest content marketing strategy.

1. Outperforms TV, Radio Ads

Branded podcasts reach more listeners than its counterparts – 22% greater than TV ads; while brand mentions are less effective in radio scoring 5% lower. Brand recall is proven to be higher in branded podcasts compared to traditional media.

2. Requires low-involvement participation

94% of podcast listeners multitask while listening. This enables the brain to receive brand messages better, thus resulting in higher levels of “content engagement, emotional intensity, and memory”. Podcasts don't require the full attention of listeners, and yet they still prove to be effective compared to other channels focused on capturing the audience's full attention.

3. Appeals to ad avoiders

Ad avoiders are typically those people who skip ads on YouTube, websites, etc. This consumer segment is a promising group, yet hard to break through. Branded podcasts are the perfect bridge to connect to this specific audience segment. Since the “brand stands out from the content,” as the BBC report said, listeners are not presented with in-your-face typical ads, rather, they are made to feel authentic and natural.

4. Contribute to brand growth

The study enumerates how branded podcasts result in increased awareness (89%), brand consideration (57%), brand favorability, and purchase intent (14%). Additionally, "brand mentions on podcasts yield higher engagement (16%) and higher recall (12%).” All the numbers point upwards; each metric contributes to the positive growth of the brand.

5. Deepens bond with audience

Podcasting, much like vlogging, is a step closer to bringing reality to audiences as it is more animated and dynamic. Michael Kraus, from Yale University, studied how voice-only communication enhances empathic accuracy. In his study, he found that the sense of hearing is better at detecting human emotions. Emotions create a connection between the listeners and the podcast host. Brands now have the ability to deepen bonds with audiences.

6. Keeps listeners committed

Generally, people’s attention spans get shorter and shorter by the year. It varies depending on the format they are exposed to. Listeners are more likely to finish an episode, averaging 38 minutes and 42 seconds, compared to readers who lose interest after reading just 60% of the text.

7. Compliments existing marketing strategies

Including a podcast in a brand’s marketing mix is an ideal way to tap into new audience segments which can’t be reached by other platforms. Plus, it is another machine to convert audiences.