Membership FAQ


Podcast Creators Membership

Membership FAQ

 Who is a Podcast Industry Professional?

Professionals who earn their living in positions that create and support podcasts, including producing, scripting, editing, managing shows or networks, and marketing podcasts.

Podcast Service Professionals include but are not limited to experienced podcast producers, audio engineers, marketing specialists, and podcast managers, coaches, and consultants. Podcast Production Agencies, Hosting Platforms, Guest Booking Agencies, and other firms whose mission and values are dedicated to supporting podcast service professionals to
advance their careers, expand their professional network, and stay updated with the latest industry trends.

Typical members include:
- Agency owners
- Editors
- Audio engineers
- Operations managers
- Podcast managers
- Guest booking agencies/managers

Is there a minimum criteria for membership? 

Currently membership is for those who have at least 2 years of experience in the industry/their role and derive at least 50% of their income from the podcast industry. While we all know time and money aren’t everything, we encourage podcast professionals to apply and share their experience whether it be in terms of years of experience, number of shows, number of episodes, etc.

A Commitment to the Podcast Industry
PPA members contribute to the industry, are involved in industry events and look at the bigger ecosystem of the podcast space. They take a macro and micro perspective, looking at both the industry as a whole and their role within it.  Applicants may need to show alignment with the goals and objectives of the Podcast Professionals Association, as well as a commitment to advancing the interests of the industry.

Why is this association needed in the industry?

There is no industry organization whose primary purpose is to serve Podcast Service Professionals. The PPA is committed to setting and maintaining the standard of what it means to be a successful podcast service professional who serves podcasters. The PPA believes collaboration is the key to success in the podcasting industry. We’ve collected specific feedback around the following fundamental needs for this association as a way to:

  • Support qualified freelancers and independent contractors to scale and grow their businesses
  • Provide a resource directory based on an established vetting hiring criteria, 
  • Develop future thought leadership in the industry 
  • Streamline industry standards
  • Eliminate the feeling of working in a vacuum and be a “go-to” resource for business development tools, best hiring practices, and more
  • Unite podcast service professionals for extended collaboration and connection

How is the PPA different from other organizations, like The Podcast Academy, for example?

The existing organizations focus on the Podcaster most specifically, podcast hosts and indie podcast creators. The Podcast Professionals Association is dedicated to supporting Podcast Service Professionals as a way to advance their careers, expand their professional network, and provide resources and data to stay updated with the latest industry trends. 

There are also organizations that focused on serving the business of podcasting. Their partners are those who primarily work for larger companies investing in podcasting to serve their brands. While these organizations can benefit podcast service professionals, their primary focus is not designed to support their personal or business development. 

The goal of the Podcast Professionals Association is to work alongside organizations such as the Podcast Academy, Sounds Profitable, and other groups such as BIPOC and She Podcasts to elevate the industry as a whole.

Does the PPA have a statement of inclusion? 

PPA believes that the podcasting community as a whole prospers when we work together. We support all podcast professionals and reject discrimination based on age, race, disability, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation and expression.

We recognize and embrace our similarities and differences, encourage opportunities to learn from our members, and cultivate inclusive communication and multicultural skills for the betterment of the PPA community.

Can Podcast Hosts be members of the PPA?

Hosts play a critical role in podcasts. The PPA is dedicated to the growth and success of the podcast industry by supporting everyone other than the host. To learn and grow in your role as a host, we recommend you check out The Podcast Academy, BIPOC Podcast Creators, She Podcasts, Squadcast/Descript community, RiversideFM Community…

If you are a host and you are also the editor, producer, social media manager, etc. for at least one other show, you may qualify for PPA membership. In this case, in your application, please share how you make your living in the podcast industry or how the industry is contributing to your bottom line. If you are podcasting as a business or for a business, your track record as well as your contributions to the industry can be taken into account in consideration of your application.

Can you live outside the United States and be a member of the Podcast Professionals Association?

Membership is available in the US and Canada . We look forward to expanding to more international locations in the future.

Do I have to pay for the membership when I submit my application? 

Yes the total membership fee is $250

Allocation of Fees:

  • Non-refundable Application Fee: $25
  • Refundable Membership Fee: $225

Please be advised that the application fee of $25 is non-refundable, serving as compensation for administrative processing. However, if the applicant does not meet the predetermined criteria for membership, the remaining portion of $225 will be promptly refunded.

It is important to note that once an applicant's membership is approved, no refunds will be issued. This policy is binding and non-negotiable.

What happens if my application is not approved? 

If your application is not approved, you will receive notification via email with an explanation of the reasons your application was not approved. If the applicant does not meet the predetermined criteria for membership, the remaining portion of $225 will be promptly refunded. We encourage applicants to review the provided feedback carefully and consider addressing any areas of concern before reapplying. Additionally, our team is available to provide guidance and support throughout the application process, assisting you in understanding and meeting our criteria for membership. We value all applicants and remain committed to helping individuals succeed in joining our organization.


Apply Here

Experience GROWTH with a PPA membership!

PPA Member Services provides members with tools and resources to support their professional demands and interests. It's our mission to deliver benefits that positively impact members' business operations and career development, while at the same time strengthen the future of podcasting.

Whether it's business development tools, the latest industry updates on trends and technology, educational offerings, professional and wellness growth programs or opportunities to network with colleagues, PPA provides members with MORE valuable benefits that will make a difference to the bottom line of your podcast business.